Exclusive Merchant Programme

Exclusive Merchant Programme
Brings Customers To You

coffee time

1. What is the WomenBizSENSE Exclusive Merchant Programme (EMP)?

The EMP is a partnership concept designed to bring additional business and publicity (and customers) to your business in Penang.

2. What are the benefits of EMP? 

As our exclusive merchant, you will be associated with a dynamic group of women entrepreneurs in Penang. We will recommend our members visit your business for your special rates or exclusive offers.

In return, you will be acknowledged and featured in our top-­ranking website. Your website link will be prominently displayed on our EMP page on our website (check out our EMP Partners).

Our website ranks on the first page of Google for these keywords (women entrepreneur penang & penang business women). As such, your business too will be highly visible and positively associated with us.

3. What are the terms and conditions ?

You need to sign a 2-year contract with us agreeing to provide mutually agreed benefits to our WBS members when they show up at your business premises or engage your services.

4. What are the privileges to be provided?

You can discuss what you are willing to offer as privileges with our EMP Director. Once we have mutually agreed on the privileges to be extended to our members, you will be presented with a 2 year agreement. You’d also need to display our WBS sticker prominently on your cafe door or premises. This signifies the start of our working relationship under our WomenBizSENSE Exclusive Merchant Programme.

5. Is the EMP open to women business owners only? 

No, the EMP is open to all business owners – male and female. We want local businesses supporting local businesses, hence EMP.

6. Why focus on Penang cafes?

The cafe and foodie culture is popular in Penang. Plus everyone needs to eat anyway. We also often lunch with our friends, clients and business associates. Why not put all this together to benefit cafes who are owned by independent business owners?

7. I love the idea of businesses supporting businesses in Penang and I want to be part of your EMP. Whom can I contact? 

Please call our EMP Director or email us: info@womenbizsense.com .

8. Who has joined? 

Here’s a list of exclusive-merchant-programme/emp-partners/. More will be added soon so come onboard!